Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rm 13, 6-7 Pay to all their dues, taxes, toll, respect

(Rm 13, 6-7) Pay to all their dues, taxes, toll, respect
[6] This is why you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. [7] Pay to all their dues, taxes to whom taxes are due, toll to whom toll is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.
(CCC 1913) "Participation" is the voluntary and generous engagement of a person in social interchange. It is necessary that all participate, each according to his position and role, in promoting the common good. This obligation is inherent in the dignity of the human person. (CCC 1914) Participation is achieved first of all by taking charge of the areas for which one assumes personal responsibility: by the care taken for the education of his family, by conscientious work, and so forth, man participates in the good of others and of society (Cf. CA 43). (CCC 1916) As with any ethical obligation, the participation of all in realizing the common good calls for a continually renewed conversion of the social partners. Fraud and other subterfuges, by which some people evade the constraints of the law and the prescriptions of societal obligation, must be firmly condemned because they are incompatible with the requirements of justice. Much care should be taken to promote institutions that improve the conditions of human life (Cf. GS 30 § 1).

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