Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Youcat commented through CCC – Question n. 519 – Part III.

YOUCAT Question n. 519 - Part III. What does it mean to say, “Hallowed be thy name”?

(Youcat answer repeated) To “hallow” or to treat God’s name as something holy means to place him above everything else.   

A deepening through CCC

(CCC 2810) In the promise to Abraham and the oath that accompanied it (Cf. Heb 6:13), God commits himself but without disclosing his name. He begins to reveal it to Moses and makes it known clearly before the eyes of the whole people when he saves them from the Egyptians: "he has triumphed gloriously" (Ex 15:1; cf. 3:14). From the covenant of Sinai onwards, this people is "his own" and it is to be a "holy (or "consecrated": the same word is used for both in Hebrew) nation" (Cf. Ex 19:5-6) because the name of God dwells in it.  

Reflecting and meditating 

(Youcat comment) A “name” in Sacred Scripture indicates the true nature of a person. To hallow God’s name means to do justice to his reality, to acknowledge him, to praise him, to give him due honor, and to live according to his commandments.

(CCC Comment)

(CCC 2811) In spite of the holy Law that again and again their Holy God gives them - "You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy" - and although the Lord shows patience for the sake of his name, the people turn away from the Holy One of Israel and profane his name among the nations (Ezek 20:9, 14, 22, 39; cf. Lev 19:2). For this reason the just ones of the old covenant, the poor survivors returned from exile, and the prophets burned with passion for the name.

(This question: What does it mean to say, “Hallowed be thy name”? is continued)

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