Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Youcat commented through CCC – Question n. 527.

YOUCAT Question n. 527 - Why do we end the Our Father with “Amen”?

(Youcat answer) Christians and Jews alike from ancient times have concluded all their prayers with “Amen”, thereby saying, “Yes, so be it!”

A deepening through CCC

(CCC 2855) The final doxology, "For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever," takes up again, by inclusion, the first three petitions to our Father: the glorification of his name, the coming of his reign, and the power of his saving will. But these prayers are now proclaimed as adoration and thanksgiving, as in the liturgy of heaven (Cf. Rev 1:6; 4:11; 5:13). The ruler of this world has mendaciously attributed to himself the three titles of kingship, power, and glory (Cf. Lk 4:5-6). Christ, the Lord, restores them to his Father and our Father, until he hands over the kingdom to him when the mystery of salvation will be brought to its completion and God will be all in all (1 Cor 15:24-28). 

Reflecting and meditating 

(Youcat comment) When a person says “Amen” to his words, “Amen” to his life and his destiny, “Amen” to the joy that awaits him, then heaven and earth come together and we are at the goal: with the love that created us in the beginning. 

(CCC Comment)

(CCC 2865) By the final "Amen," we express our "fiat" concerning the seven petitions: "So be it". (CCC 2856) "Then, after the prayer is over you say 'Amen,' which means 'So be it,' thus ratifying with our 'Amen' what is contained in the prayer that God has taught us" (St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech. myst. 5,18: PG 33, 1124; cf. Lk 1:38).

This is the last of the commentaries to the “Youcat English: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church” through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church

Dear Visitors and Readers,

We have completed the commentary to Youcat English: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Churchthrough the Cathechism of the Catholic Church. With this commentary we come to the end of the commentaries posted on this blog since 2007. You can always find them on this blog.

They are the following:

 “New Testament” commented through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.

Old Testament” (chosen Pages) commented through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.

Compendium of the Cathechism of the Catholic Church” commented through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.

The four Gospels commented through the “Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Churchand Encyclical Letter "Caritas In Veritate".

Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World: Gaudium et Spes commented through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.

Dogmatic Constitution on the Church: “Lumen Gentium” commented through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.

Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation: Dei Verbum commented through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.

Youcat English: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Churchcommented through the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.

We thank You for your attention and we wish you a useful and pleasant reading. God bless You.
Gualberto Gismondi ofm.

1 comment:

BlogWale said...

very nice CCC Questions please update O level syllabus for O level students