Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Youcat commented through CCC – Question n. 126 - Part IV.

YOUCAT Question n. 126 - Part IV. What does it mean to say that the Church is the “Body of Christ”?

(Youcat answer - repeated) Above all through the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist, an inseparable union comes about between Jesus Christ and Christians. The union is so strong that it joins him and us like the head and members of a human body and makes us one.       

A deepening through CCC

(CCC 792) Christ "is the head of the body, the Church" (Col 1:18). He is the principle of creation and redemption. Raised to the Father's glory, "in everything he [is] preeminent" (Col 1:18), especially in the Church, through whom he extends his reign over all things.     

Reflecting and meditating 

(CCC Comment)

(CCC 793) Christ unites us with his Passover: all his members must strive to resemble him, "until Christ be formed" in them (Gal 4:19). "For this reason we… are taken up into the mysteries of his life, . . . associated with his sufferings as the body with its head, suffering with him, that with him we may be glorified" (LG 7 § 4; cf. Phil 3:21; Rom 8:17).    

(The next question is: What does it mean to say that the Church is the “Bride of Christ”?)

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