Monday, January 29, 2018

Youcat commented through CCC – Question n. 394.

YOUCAT Question n. 394 - How do Christians treat the corpse of someone who has died?

(Youcat answer) Christians treat the corpse of a dead person respectfully and lovingly, realizing that God has called him to the resurrection of the dead.

A deepening through CCC

(CCC 2300) The bodies of the dead must be treated with respect and charity, in faith and hope of the Resurrection. The burial of the dead is a corporal work of mercy (Cf. Tob 1:16-18); it honors the children of God, who are temples of the Holy Spirit.      

Reflecting and meditating 

(Youcat comment) It is a traditional part of Christian funeral customs for the remains of a dead person to be buried in a dignified manner in the earth and for the grave to be decorated and tended. Today the Church also accepts other funeral arrangements (for instance, cremation), as long as they are not interpreted in a way contrary to the belief in the resurrection of the dead.

(CCC Comment)

(CCC 2301) Autopsies can be morally permitted for legal inquests or scientific research. The free gift of organs after death is legitimate and can be meritorious. The Church permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body (Cf. CIC, can. 1176 § 3).

(The next question is: What is peace?)

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