Friday, August 19, 2016

Youcat commented through CCC – Question n. 182. - Part II

YOUCAT Question n. 182 - Part II. Why do the sacred signs of the liturgy need words, too?       

(Youcat answer - repeated) Celebrating the liturgy means encountering God; allowing him to act, listening to him, responding to him. Such dialogues are always expressed in gestures and words.               

A deepening through CCC        

(CCC 1154) The liturgy of the Word is an integral part of sacramental celebrations. To nourish the faith of believers, the signs which accompany the Word of God should be emphasized: the book of the Word (a lectionary or a book of the Gospels), its veneration (procession, incense, candles), the place of its proclamation (lectern or ambo), its audible and intelligible reading, the minister's homily which extends its proclamation, and the responses of the assembly (acclamations, meditation psalms, litanies, and profession of faith).         

Reflecting and meditating 

(Youcat comment) Jesus spoke to men through signs and words. So it is in the church, also, when the priests offers the gifts and says, “This is my Body…this is my Blood”. Only these interpreting words of Jesus cause the signs to become sacraments: signs that bring about what they signify.         

(CCC Comment)       

(CCC 1155) The liturgical word and action are inseparable both insofar as they are signs and instruction and insofar as they accomplish what they signify. When the Holy Spirit awakens faith, he not only gives an understanding of the Word of God, but through the sacraments also makes present the "wonders" of God which it proclaims. The Spirit makes present and communicates the Father's work, fulfilled by the beloved Son.          

(The next question is: Why is there music at liturgies, and what kind of music must it be to be suitable for liturgy?)       

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