Monday, August 22, 2016

Youcat commented through CCC – Question n. 184 - Part I.


YOUCAT Question n. 184 - Part I. How does the liturgy affect time?       

(Youcat answer) In the liturgy time becomes time for God.       

A deepening through CCC        

(CCC 1163) "Holy Mother Church believes that she should celebrate the saving work of her divine Spouse in a sacred commemoration on certain days throughout the course of the year. Once each week, on the day which she has called the Lord's Day, she keeps the memory of the Lord's resurrection. She also celebrates it once every year, together with his blessed Passion, at Easter, that most solemn of all feasts. In the course of the year, moreover, she unfolds the whole mystery of Christ .... Thus recalling the mysteries of the redemption, she opens up to the faithful the riches of her Lord's powers and merits, so that these are in some way made present in every age; the faithful lay hold of them and are filled with saving grace"  (SC 102). 1163

Reflecting and meditating       

(Youcat comment) Often we do not know what to do with our time—we look for a pastime. In the liturgy, time becomes quite dense, because every second is filled with meaning. When we celebrate the liturgy, we experience the fact that God has sanctified time and made every second a gateway into eternity.     

(CCC Comment)

(CCC 1111) Christ's work in the liturgy is sacramental: because his mystery of salvation is made present there by the power of his Holy Spirit; because his Body, which is the Church, is like a sacrament (sign and instrument) in which the Holy Spirit dispenses the mystery of salvation; and because through her liturgical actions the pilgrim Church already participates, as by a foretaste, in the heavenly liturgy.         

(This question: How does the liturgy affect time? is continued)     

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